Advanced video functionalities have been added with the Z6 II, including the N-Log gamma for capturing flat-looking footage that maximizes dynamic range and HLG (HDR) for recording HDR-ready footage. Other additions are the ability to output high-quality 10-bit data over HDMI and an Electronic VR function for smooth handheld shooting. Focus Peaking can be used to benefit manual focus control and a Zebra Stripes option is also available to help detect over-exposed areas within the frame. Audio recording can be handled using the built-in stereo microphone or an optional external mic can be added via the 3.5mm stereo jack for greater control over quality, and live monitoring is possible via the headphone jack.
Firmware version 1.10 unlocks UHD 4K recording at 60p and 50p frame rates and enables raw video output to Blackmagic Design Video Assist external recorders, and also improves eye-detection performance Auto-Area AF and Wide-Area AF modes.
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